Business Management Articles
/ Quality Management
Rene T. Domingo
The vast majority of companies that started
Total Quality Management (TQM) have failed
because they have wrongly assumed that quality
starts with the workers and rank-and-file
employees. Being ill-advised and armed with
little knowledge of TQM, the management inaugurates
the program with a few speeches. It then attempts
to change the employees' behaviour, attitude,
and culture by directing them to form quality
control (QC) circles, now fashionably called
"self-managing teams." The net effect
is superficial participation and results;
the TQ movement is aborted within a couple
of years or lingers on for a decade and dies
a slow death.
Let us examine this world-wide frustration
with TQM programs by tracing the movement
back to its origins -- Japan, where it is
known as Total Quality Control or TQC. When
the Japanese started dominating world markets
with quality products in the 70's, the West,
eager to find an explanation for this threat
to their industries and economies, studied
Japanese management practices and swiftly
concluded that the reason for their success
was the QC circles. Made up of empowered employees
giving suggestions on how improve the quality
of their work, the circles were the most conspicuous,
spectacular, and unique Japanese phenomenon
to the Western analysts. Employees of Western
companies were never empowered, but were ordered
and controlled by management -- so this difference
must account for the Japanese success according
to this line of thinking. Thus the finding
that quality starts from the bottom - from
the employees - was codified and published
in Western books that became the first Total
Quality guidebooks or "misguide"
books in English. Asian countries, too lazy
to study Japan first hand, and too dependent
on Western analysts and analysis to explain
any management phenomenon, used these Western
publications, seminars, and consultants to
launch their TQ programs. The rest is history.
What the Westerners saw in the 70's was the
second phase of TQC -- the bottom-up stage
in which empowered employees voluntarily give
suggestions to management for approval and
implementation. What they did not see was
the first phase - the top-down stage in which
top management modelled the way to quality
through their personal behaviour and leadership,
tough management decisions, and enlightened
policies. This phase occurred in the 50's
and 60's when Deming, ironically an American
quality guru who was discredited in his own
country then, preached and scolded the Japanese
CEO's in his seminars that "80% of quality
problems come from management, and 20% from
workers." During those formative decades,
the CEO's were personally transforming, redesigning,
and honing their organizations into lean and
mean quality companies in line with Deming's
14 principles and his PDCA (plan, do, check,
action) cycle. Nowadays, in the 90's, some
enterprising Western authors, have labelled
and advocated this corporate transformation
or top-down stage of TQM as "re-engineering",
as if it were a new phenomenon or management
Where do we go from here? Companies deciding
to adopt TQM cannot copy the Japanese companies
that are all now in the second or bottom-up
stage of TQM. We should start with the first
or top-down stage, and do what the Japanese
have done in the 50's and 60's. We should
start TQM with management, in particular,
top management - in particular, with the CEO,
or whoever is in charge of running the company,
be he called GM, President, or EVP.
Most failures in TQM implementation could
be traced to the CEO, who fails to actively
lead the movement or worse, personally and
actively opposes the program, especially if
it was initiated by middle management. The
CEO's failure to participate properly in the
TQM movement which leads to its untimely demise
comes in many forms:
1. indifference - typified by ministerial
presence in quality activities, and making
unactionable and unemotional speeches on quality.
During the TQM training seminar for his entire
management staff, he is one who gives the
opening remarks for 5 minutes and then disappears.
He comes back three days later to give the
closing remarks for 30 minutes to wrap up
what has happened during the seminar, and
asks everybody to start practicing quality.
2. ignorance - typified by the CEO who thinks
that by setting aside a budget for the quality
program, appointing a total quality manager
and committee, and delegating all quality
tasks to his staff, quality will happen. Misinformed
by equally misinformed literature and consultants,
he thinks that his personal involvement is
unnecessary. He would rather play golf. As
the saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous
thing" goes, the CEO with little knowledge
of TQM is the most dangerous person in the
company. Being the most powerful, he could
make the most and biggest mistakes due to
inadequate or wrong information.
3. fear - typified by the CEO who can talk
about quality and say the right phrases, but
would not dare change company policies that
restrict quality for fear of backlash from
political groups inside the company, or loss
of his own power and clout. To this CEO, quality
is OK as long as no one changes the status
quo or rocks the boat.
4. aloofness - typified by the CEO who monitors
quality only through reports in his executive
suite. Going down to the factory, mixing with
the rank-and-file, and verifying the reports
are beneath his dignity.
5. lack of leadership - typified by the CEO
who lacks charisma, and is uninspiring to
employees who could not find a model in him.
This CEO, the "I have made it" or
" I have done my time" type, has
practically retired on the job. To cap his
15 year service, he initiates TQM as his last
hurrah, thinking that it requires little effort
and energy. TQM, being such a radical change,
requires an almost evangelist type of leader,
preaching and practicing quality up to his
last breath or hour with the company.
The CEO is such an important person that he
is indeed the key to Total Quality success....or